Life in the UK

15:05 Unknown 0 Comments

I work with a large spectrum of people from each corner of the world, from Eretrian's, to Somalian's, to Syrian's to Yemenese.  Time and time again I come across the same dream, that is shared amongst all individuals. 

This is the dream that life in the UK provides freedom, opportunities, dreams and chances of financial security, education, equality and employment. Though the truth in that statement becomes a glistening star in the night sky - so beautifully close yet so distant.

This is my personal account of life as a immigrant, migrant, an asylum seeker, a refugee and uninvited existence that undergoes prejudice, discrimination, destitution and exclusion. 

In this narrative of events, I would like to inform my readers that names and places will changed to protect individuals. In addition, I am merely expressing incidents I have come across, this does not mean I agree or disagree with any of the testimonies, I am simply composing a on-line diary.

I will just leave you with one thought.

"Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.” 
― Franklin D. Roosevelt"